Thursday 14 November 2013

I`m Back again ....................yet again

WELL I`m BACK AGAIN  Ho Ho f.....g Ho

Here we are again but wait for it faithful readers Im NOT, repeat NOT, unemployed. What you may say, `cause I certainly do Not unemployed What happened, did the world end and no one told us, did some one die, did he find the money to bribe some one.  No just wait and I`ll let the tale unfold.
BUT FIRST a recap



Here I am again happy as can be!???? what ME?
no not really.
Finally I have had an interview, in fact Ive had 2 1/2 interviews all for the same job. OK I can hear you "you cant have 1/2 an interview" oh yes you can. Now settle down and let me tell you the story.
The Job centre are getting nasty and are now insisting we apply for completely unsuitable jobs. The main one they decided I was to go for was shift Manager Chef
( sounds ok at first glance doesnt it?) ( can something SOUND ok at first GLANCE ?)

Interview One Wednesday
Any way shining my shoes and putting on clothes that make me LOOK respectable at least, off I went to the interview. The pub turned out to be a two for one eating house ( that put me off straight away) but come on , i need a job so in i go you know the sort of place, it had at some time in the distant past been a nice country local but now?, shut up you NEED a job, Ok first interview just a five minute chat with the Manager, pleasant enough chap, could i come for a working interview with the chef manager? yes of course, Right see you Sunday.

Sunday Interview Two
I show up right on time with clean, if not new whites, and I think i look quite professional, chef Manager is wearing a dirty chefs jacket, which had been white at sometime, along with his outside shoes ( dirty trainers), a greasy green base ball cap ( turned round the wrong way) and a pair of old combat trousers. Hmmmmm I thought,oh well never mind, i NEED a job. Any way we chatted, as it turned out he was a really nice lad only 24 but ok, yes i can work with this guy. I read through the manual, idiot proof, you dont need a chef to do this but, never mind i NEED a job.
Twelve o`clock comes, service time, Ive never been so taken aback, pre cooked roast potatos, sliced pre cooked beef and lamb with gravy in little plastic pouches, frozen veg, frozen mashed potatos, frozen individual portions of " homemade" soup, i can go on but the list is too long, just imagine ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING and it was either chilled or frozen, have you ever seen a pre cooked omellet? its disgusting. Just remember i NEED a job. So i stayed and worked as best as possible, (i cant say cooked) during the three hours i was there i chatted to the chef manager and it turns out HE will not eat the food he send out to his customers, he thinks its crap and i agree. I`ve worked as a professional Chef for 25 years in total and never in all that time have i been ashamed of serving food like that but.....i NEED a job.
So my shift finishes and after a little more chat with Chef manager i ask him to have the Manager call me that evening or the next day to finallise the details, you know pay, etc.
Next day dawns, no call, lunch time , no call. so i rang him " oh right , tell you what come in on Tuesday at 5 and we`ll have a chat", yes ok see you then.

Tuesday 1/2 interview
Five o`clock, fight my way through the evening traffic, spending money I have`nt got on petrol, but I NEED a job and I get there just before 5 "Hi" I say to the barmaid " is ????? available?". No Its his day off. Thats all I got.
No wonder i get so fucking sick, why couldnt he just say sorry you`r not suitable, thanks for your time?
I know I would`nt have been happy there but I NEED A JOB!!! and I would have managed and done the best I could for a few months at least.
Employers are so crap, no wonder no one has any loyalty any more when we`re all treated like this.

If you come away with nothing else from this story of woe and disapointment just remember...........
NEVER EAT IN A TWO FOR ONE ESTABLISHMENT you really don`t know just what your going to get or how it was prepared or by who


More dole ( sorry) Job seekers news

Are`nt the dole hopeless ?, they send letter after letter but NEVER acknowledge my replies. we`re having a bit of bother with out benefit, yes I know be grateful for anything you get, well we are, especially when we`re not Muslim, coloured, refugees, single parent families,gay, lesbian, we appreciate every little penny we get.

BUT ( I bet any readers now dread that word from me)

We are living on £64.00 per week, the word living does`nt really cover exactly what we`re doing as you can imagine. This is after the dole has decided in its wisdom to invalidate our claim because I didn't take up a job opportunity, a job i may add that they didn't inform me they expected me to apply for. I don't have qualifications in typing ( as you may gather) or a degree in maths,or anything else required by the employers. So I wrote to them and waited, eventually I rang " sorry we have`nt received any correspondence from you, perhaps its the postal strikes " it turned out that the person i was talking to had no responsibility,( any way how come no one has any responsibility any more) so they put me through to the DECISION MAKERS ( i don`t know but i really hope these people are old men in long white robes with long white beards who only meet under the light of the new moon surrounded by acolyte's and supplicant petitioners all holding lit torches and chanting UB 40, UB 40) Sorry I drifted off there, any way one of the DECISION MAKERS assistants finally gives in and reluctantly gives me an e-mail address and i promise NOT to give it to ANY one else on penalty of a slow and painful death and i e-mail my appeal, its the wrong e-mail address only meant for internal communications. So I ring them again and explain the whole situation again, i did ask for the same person but shes gone on a month long sabbatical to a health farm for weary civil servants some where in the Bahamas, poor girl. But eventually I manage to arrange an appointment to send the appeal from my job centre direct, by now I'm getting a little wary of civil service procedures so I thought Id be sneaky and ring and check they'd got it.

This is the way the conversation went:
Yes hello ,is that Bolton DBC?
Emmm yeah
Hi can I give you a reference number ?
Emmmm yeah
ok reference ..............
Emmmmmm can you repeat that?
Yes of course Reference .............
Yessssss was that a Y or a Z
ok can I take your name
Yes of course.... ....
National Insurance Number?
.......... ok should I repeat that?
your address?
Ok ....... ..... .... etc
where do you sign on?
Warrington Cheshire
What day do you sign on?
What account do you get paid into?
( you think Im telling you? ) ... I told them though
Is it a joint claim?
Who are you claiming with?
My wife
Whats her name?
Is she your partner or wife?
My wife
Whats her date of birth?
Ok them Mr B.... what can we do for you?
H.... my names H....
Oh........ hang on.... mummble mummble right, oh, yes tuesday, really she didnt? mummble, mummble, short burst of muted song, Oh shit, God sorry Id.... emmm right got you , now what can we do for you?
hi again Im just calling to make sure your office has received an appeal I had scanned through to you by Warrington Job Centre.
What was it regarding?
An appeal against a decision
Oh, they`re very busy you know They`ll get to it though. The DECISION MAKERS only meet when theres a Z in the month ( I made that bit up)
Is it possible to speak to who ever is dealing with my case?
No sorry.
Is there any one I can talk to about this?
Sorry No, once the case is in the hands of the DECISION MAKERS no one can make a decision until a decision is made.
Right so I can`t speak to any one? but you have received the appeal letter?
Oh yes it arrived yesterday.
right thank you Ill call again.

The unfortunate thing is that this girl really thought she was helping, so at least one of us was happy.


Here I am again

well here I am again nothing much to say , still here, still unemployed, still bored to death.

To moan ( yet again) but just when did the world change? when did it become so uncaring? The more news you read the worse it becomes.
Did you see the piece about Brown and Cameron both doing photo calls at the Remembrance Day Ceremonies? How , hang on Im searching for a word, no, the nicest I can come up with is, disgusting was that behavior, to try and score political points over men and women who died for this country,NOT for a political party ( look at me, I care more than HIM) Jesus how are we supposed to chose between two self obsessed people both of whom apparently have the feelings, morals and sympathy of................
Don't know, Lost for words.

Talking of being lost for words did you see the German clown festival started, how nice I hear you cry. Do you know when it started???? The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, sound familiar. Never let it be said the Germans have no sense of irony, or is that the Americans?.
Just by the way, no Im not a soldier or any thing to do with the armed services, I just feel that their getting a raw deal from this Government
Its just ( still looking for a word) I feel betrayed by government

On a happier note, We went out today, just to the in laws but out never the less, we picked up Grandchild No 1 (not in any order of preference just in order of age )nice to see him, hes reached the age where farting is SO funny ( not my sense of humour but he is only four so what do you expect) hes changed so much since starting BIG school, I know kids have to grow up, they would be pretty boring if they did`nt, but isn't it a shame. But he is now Class Monitor, hes VERY proud and so are we.

Since I last wrote, the Wife, ( please note the use of capital letter, I know my place) has had what we believe to be swine flu ( if it was`nt we really don't want it) shes been pretty ill and I have all the sympathy in the world for her, but you know how ill people are, get me this, get me that,oh I feel rotten. Now I'm a really nice bloke, honestly I am, but blood and sand stop moaning and go to sleep and stop coughing in your sleep and waking me, no thought for me, typical woman, self, self, self. AND WHAT happens when I'm ill? I'm accused of having Man Flu.
Now I don't know about you but I find this offensive. when I'm ill I'm ill I'm not putting it on I'M ILL. yes I know women have to carry on, washing the clothes in the river,beating them against a convenient rock, bringing water from the well,killing and butchering the stock ( What your wife doesn't do that?, she doesn't know shes born). But it may have escaped notice that I too carry on doing the things i have to do.


Computers.... ????

Well I`ve actually had something to do today, apart from looking for nonexsistant jobs that is, one of our sons computer gave up the ghost and only emergency resusitation would revive it.

Call for ......COMPUTER MAN !!!!!!

or Phil as we know him, we`er on friendly terms you know. The ailing box of tricks was dashed to the COMPUTER MANs cave, well shop but never mind, where he slaved night and day to save the stricken box of electronics, and joy of joys, risen from the grave, it survives,it lives, it lives, oh thank the merciful jesus, and he only charges the soul of your first born child. ( I like him you know where you are with COMPUTER MAN )

Then comes my part, my wife seems to think that I have a degree in computer science , I don`t it`s ALL guess work, but I have to reconnect the thing to the internet I swear 49 times I tried, sorry, wrong password, sorry, no connection, sorry, server is down, sorry, wrong username, sorry, you`re a bleeding idiot, eventually it took pity on me and I got the thing to connect simply by doing the same thing I`d been doing all along. I`ve wasted the whole day fooling around with a load of circuits, being unable to get help from the Virgin, and I use the word advisidly, "help" line.
I don`t know if you`ve ever tried to get help from a help line but I find it impossible, they`re busy for the next 15--20 mins all the time, it begins to make you wonder what sort of crap product you`ve bought into, if their " help" department is so busy do any of their systems work?
Any way at least I had something to do. But, question, why do I a 53 year old man appear to know more about a product, which was`nt invented when I was young, than two bright 25 year olds? who were at least taught something about them.


Lets Talk about History

How many of you know any teenagers or people in their twenties? if you do, ask them who Churchill was, if you want to confuse them even more then ask who the prime minister was during the war, don`t bother specifing which war it will only confuse them more.
In truth any question about British history will receive the same sort of answer " i dont know we were not taught British history."
When I worked I was with alot of people younger than myself and, during quiet moments would amuse my self asking these sort of questions
Before I start sorry for the list,
These are honestly the answers I got back from our little historians, the generation who will replace us.

Q When was the Battle of Britain?
A What Battle of Britain?

Q When did the 2nd World war begin and end?
A 1950? 1959? don`t know we werent taught that

Q When did the 1st World War start and end?
A ( honestly genuine answer) have there been two?

Q (honest question) Who did we fight in the 2nd World War?
( honest answer) not sure, russia?

Ther are lots more examples but Ive limited myself. I know that not everyone is interested in history but bloody hell!! ...... How does any one reach 18 years old without knowing basic facts about their country?

The most depressing fact was that these were not stupid people, they went to good schools in good areas, their parents we all well to do who wanted their kids to have a goodstart in life, they had GCSEs and even A levels, no the most depressing fact was that at least three of them had just taken and passed their GCSE in History. In what? I said, in the LIFE OF THE AMERICAN PLAINS INDIAN.
Yes i do finish these blogs feeling depressed........... any wonder?


Yes I know I said I`d stop......but

Yes I know I said I`d stop moaning but for gods sake first of all we have David Cambell saying that candidates should be female, don`t be stupid, candidates should be the BEST candidate for the position whether male or female, you do not come to power making crass and ridicules statements like that.

Then, Good old David, If I may call him by his 1st name, go`s back on what most people believed was a promise of a referendum on the treaty of Lisbon. Now I understand I think, what he meant, but from what i read, and i read alot, i`m unemployed not dead, the greater population of England, and I use the word ENGLAND purposefully,Scotland and Wales can make their own minds up they have their own government, want a referendum on the whole idea of the EU. Back in the day,October the 10th 1974 I know I was 18 that day and was allowed to vote for the 1st time, we voted, I believe, on admission to the Common Market NOT the EU. The whole idea and ideology have changed since then. We need a vote on this matter, we do not want rule from Brussels with a rubber stamp from our government. Yes I know the arguments for the EU, better business ties, common currency, etc but we have to live here do we want this?. I know what I think, but what, really, is the opinion of the people.
When did we get so lax, when did we stop caring, I know women who don`t vote, I`m sick of explaining to them that Women died so they could vote. How did all of this happen?
Now, and this is the last I promise, We have Mr Brown, and without being funny he`s unelected,allowing Mr Darling to give the banks another huge sum of money, read the articles about this, I find them totally unbelievable, bonus`s for going in and doing your job? putting off taking bonus`s for 1 year but it seems being allowed to claim them the year after?.
Honestly, I give up is there no one working for the people of this country any more?
Is it just a gravy train where we work and they take?


Ghost Hunters??????

re the previous post
God but I`m a moaning sod, sorry to make you all feel down. Not that any one reads this drivel.

Unemployment has finally driven the wife out of what few wits she had and now I'm afflicted with terminal Most Haunted. For eight nights (eight till twelve) I'm subjected to precious Evette Fielding shrieking like a ....well like someone not right. (Shame, she was really nice on Blue Peter)
If the woman is that scared someone tell her to stop asking ghosts/spirits/
hob goblins/cameramen/members of the crew to come to her and then we can all get some peace.
You know, if i was the spirit she was trying to contact I would NOT muck around growling and throwing little stones, I`d heave a great big rock and then,in a loud quavering scary voice, I`d say FUCK OFF you annoying little ghost hunter you.

Once again Im moaning (rather like Evettes friends) sorry.


Every Day is a Joy

I don`t want this whole " blog idea " to sound as if I`m doing nothing but moaning, BUT....
I`m sick of applying to company`s who are either so busy or are so lacking in manners that they won`t reply to applications. Even e-mailed applications for gods sake, how long does it take to say thanks but you are too old, so fuck off and don`t bother to apply to our young peoples company again you old fart. ( They don`t really say that but it feels like it, they dont reply so how do I know?)

I`m sick of explaining to the twelve year old(they really are twelve)who "signs me on " every other Thursday, that a part time or temporary position won`t even pay the mortgage let alone allow us to eat and maybe even have the heating on ( thank god for the Indian summer we`re supposed to have).

I`m sick of having all the time in the world and being so bored. I know, use your energy to find a job, Mr Brown says the recession is coming to an end and there are jobs out there. WELL I CANNOT FIND ONE.............I`m not nineteen, I`m fifty three, I`m not stupid, I`m not slow, I am hardworking, I do take an interest in what I`m doing, I`m polite, I`ve got huge amounts of experience all I ask is that it pays a living wage.

I`m sick of being poor...... I was`nt always poor, not so long ago we owned a florists shop. We opened six days aweek, we thought about it seven days aweek twenty four hours a day, we put ALL our savings into it, I even cashed in my pension in a vain attempt to keep it going during the last few months.
For a few years we made a little money, we employed staff, we paid our taxes,we did`nt fiddle, we worked it by the book. You know what happened, we got screwed by the banks, by the tax office, by the VAT, by advertising agencies,by suppliers, by anyone who could,and more than a few who supposedly could`nt, and still we did`nt go bankrupt, we paid and we paid `till there was nothing left and then we closed and left sadder and wiser people. It feels that our staff did better out of our shop than we did, not that I feel bitter, not much any way, but employee rights are so much better than employers rights, and now because we tried to make something of ourselves we`re stuffed, financially, employment wise in fact any way you like to think of it, just STUFFED.Who wants to take on someone who has done employment tax, PAYE, VAT,book keeping and everything else you need to do when you own your own business. They want someone they can train THEIR way, for Gods sake I can be trained.The phrase old dogs new tricks springs to mind, perhaps that's what they believe

I`m sick of getting up in the morning and not being able to afford to DO anything. If your working you wont believe me but being unemployed is BORING. Would`nt you think that not having to do anything would be great,it`s not, it`s tedious, soul destroying and encourages day time television. What do the other two million people do, voluntary work?, work off the record? sorry I`m just not that sort. Guess I`m just too selfish, I know it sounds as if I don't give a damn about anyone else, I do, it`s just that I care about ME and MINE more.


Still Here...through no fault of my own

Well Hello every one..Hows tricks?
I suppose that you now think, well every thing must be ok... hes not been on this for ages, hes got a job.
Well no I havent Im "working" for my self or should i say we`re working for our selves as the wife does do her share.
We`re buying and selling antiques.........well we`re buying them, selling them is a completely different subject.
In fact weve just come back from a short holiday in scotland.nice place but god they know how to charge you.
As regards life, well its been worse, i cant complain, well i can and no doubt will at some point after i stop driveling on.
we`re trying to get a little help through the tax credit people. a month ago i applied for the help, still i sit and await a missive from the great and the good, they will write back ,i know they will i trust them... I do really, but bloody hell WHEN.
As usual EVERYBODY is trying to rip us off, advertisers, auctioneers, customers, other dealers.......everyone wants a piece of you when you try to make a living honestly.
What is going to happen when the VAT goes up in January i really dont know. one little thing i do realise is that the price of things wont just go up by 2 1/2% it will go through the roof and everybody will be whinging on as they dont know enough to expect it
I really have to stop this rambling on jumping from subject to subject.but it does help me vent some spleen.
I get really sick of everybody going on...... we all know what sort of condition the country is in and we all know who going to pay for why on earth the TUC should suggest srike action and even civil disobience i do not know. surely that would only make thing worse, or are they just spouting labour retoric.......wonder what they`d be saying if labour had won the last election.......labour are ignoring thier grass roots, bring back old labour, who knows


Back Again

Well did you miss me?,
I know,you didn't even realise id gone.
Well where have I been??? The south of France? , US of A? , a relaxing holiday in the Seychelles ( I think that's how you spell it) No, nowhere the lovely people at Virgin decided to cut us off, phone, television and Internet on Christmas day, aren't they yuletidy? full of the Christmas spirit. I cant really blame them we did owe them £50. so as usual we borrowed yet more money to pay them, cant have nice Richard Branson doing with only owning ONE island can we.
You've probably realised already that were still out of work, but on the good side we did get the arrears sorted out for being disallowed benefit back in October a whole £250 whoo hoo let the good times roll. Unfortunately it didn't wing its merry way to us till AFTER Christmas, the benefit staff couldn't miss their party could they. Still all the family got home knitted scarfs and hats courtesy of the Wife's skills.
The job search still goes on and on and on etc its getting both of us down i must admit but what else can we do?
Newer The Troubles of wanting to be rich
Well finally we went to see a rental property, one we`ve been waiting to see for about a year, one we or at least I thought "this will be the one"
Was it worth it, was it the shining epitamy of the pinnicle of properties?................ NO it was a , well lets be honest, a bit of a dump.
It only needs, new hard wood floors, after removing the old rotten damp plaster new plastering, painting, new windows, original wood work stripping and varnishing etc etc etc.
So what did we do? sensibly we left it, but, theres ALWAYS a but, now i`ve had a little chance to think about it.....
How much of the work could I do?, How much would it cost realistically?, would it be worth it? Would it be worth getting a survey done? all very good questions mostly without answers.
Perhaps the 1st thing to do is a business plan costing out, as best as possible, just how much it would cost and explaining where any profits, if any, would come from.
Going to go and think about it more

Don`t worry I`ll keep you posted


Stories From The Past

The other day some one suggested that each item we have in the antiques centre should have a story behind it, a history, real or fake who cares as long as it trys to be entertaining so ...
One of the women who display at this place brought in a pith helmet from the second Boer war (late 19c early 20c) the helmet was grimy, a little torn and had seen better days but considering it was over 100 years old not in bad nick. It had been originally owned by Private Lloyd Jones ( it said so inside the brim) who had been captured by the Boers during a small skirmish with a commando a month or two before the final surrender by President Kruger. Jones along with five other soldiers, all of various ranks, was taken to Johannesburg for trial, he was classed as a spy due to his lack of uniform (exactly where his uniform had gone is open to question as Private Lloyd gay boy Jones never revealed the answer.) So the trial began our hero ( Lloyd Jones) bravely refused to answer questions only revealing his name rank and serial number despite the threats of torture, he was beaten on many occasions and finally having been found guilty was executed by firing squad early on the morning of January 2nd 1901 along with 4 others and buried in unconsecrated ground outside a pig farm. He may have been offered leniency but his decision to only address the judge and court as either "dearie" or " you rotten bastard Boer" may have influenced matters.
The helmet was finally returned to his wife (despite the nick name) and was kept in pride of place by his widow and only son David whom he had never seen. After the death of his mother young David also kept the helmet in a place of honour but, having never married, upon his death late in the 20th century the helmet was passed from hand to hand, from cousin to 2nd cousin ending up eventually in a car boot sale and finally being purchased for £5 and displayed as an antique with no history or past.


The Rotten Bastards

Well gentle listeners its been one of those days,
yet again I may add,
one of those days you feel that you`re just beginning to keep your head above water, just thinking "hey perhaps I CAN make it, it wasnt such a bad idea" when some rotten, sniveling, thieving, illigitmate, son of a bitch comes along and , no doubt smirking to himself, put his hands around your neck and pulls you down in the murky depths of his shit hole.
Up untill this morning I seemed to be doing ok, not good you understand but ok, making a little money and feeling reasonably happy with the world. When some evil little sod, no doubt with more muscles than either brains or integrity, steals a beautiful brooch from the cabinet in my unit £135.00 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE POUNDS it was worth, the whole of this weeks profit wiped out in one single thoughtless action by someone with the morals of a cockroach.
Well I hope it chokes the bastard, I hope someone steals it from him along with every thing hes got and leaves him bleeding in a dark rat infested alley, crawling with his slimey relatives, amongst rubbish, shit, and used condoms
Its not often I feel this way but for gods sake what makes him or her, come to that, think they have the right to steal from me.

I don`t really want him to be found bleeding in a back alley, i`m not like that

I don`t want him FOUND at all BASTARD

As my Granny would say "I`m so annoyed I could Spit"


Time Passes............but only slowly

Well hello ....long time no see as they say
Thing are progressing s l o w l y as usual, I'm trying to rent premises again but the agent is, to put it mildly, dragging his feet, you'd think they were going to give us money not the other way around, always away from his desk, or on holiday. The whole business is stupid I'm having to spend money to survive when it should be being used to help create the Empire, I tell you when I rule the world it will be a whole different place, storm troopers, CCTV cameras every where,mass executions of business rivals, perhaps I can compose an anthem for the cringing populace to march to........ you know the sort of thing. ( I`m beginning to think I may need a lie down in a nice quiet room with a nice bed they can strap me to)

When the Empire finally gets going I believe it will be a success we`ll have loads of money, Please God, and I`m going to be one of those dodgy dealers with a finger in every pie and a large roll of cash in his back pocket always ready for the next deal, a sort of David Dickinson with a conscience. Who am I kidding I have`nt got a conscience and don't want one either thanks very much. I`m sick to death of being ripped off by everyone, every body want a piece of me perhaps I`m being a little on the paranoid side but thats the way life makes me feel, I even wonder at nice pleasant old men and women whether or not their smiles are hiding yet another devious way of taking my money.

In a perfect world, he said wistfully, I`d like to do this new business alone, just the two of us cause we`re good together, but it really looks like we need a partner, one with a little money who`ll keep his/her mouth shut and just let us get on with it but thats not going to happen so all we can do is to make the best of it with the little money we`ve got and keep the Empire building for another day...............

Then again................................


Well Here We Are

well its finally happening.
The sale of our house, I cant belive that we`re doing this but the house is on the market. Its not that we want to its that we have to debtors are clammering at the doors, the mortgage company is most upset and we`re off to court on 1st February, that`ll be fun, every body wants a piece of the only good bit of our finances. Twenty years I`ve fought for this house TWENTY YEARS,... long time. Now it comes to this we`ll be off to rented accomadation, probebly in Bewsey Oh God not Bewsey.
If we have to move why oh why do we stay around Warrington, if there is one place I really don`t want to be its Warrington. I know the reasons and they are all very valid and sensible but GOD I wish we didnt have to stay.
Since I wrote the above we`ve been to court and we`ve, suppose to have sold the house. Perhaps the better half is right and we will get a new start but I find the whole thing VERY Very Very depressing and can`t help but be SURE we will live to regret this. As an afterthought I bet you think, hang on they`re on the dole surely they`ll pay the mortgage. No it does`nt work that way any more. We asked them to pay the interest only....we`ll think about it. We asked them for a loan of £800 to clear the arrears....No, but we will lend you £800 to help get you rented accommedation. ( work that out if you can). Here we are just over a week after the court case and still no further forward, the Mortgage company now send us a letter saying " you`ve got 28 days or we`re coming to get you "   entrance stage left an intense ball of blue fire...Les... direct quote   " you f##**ng b**t###ds what the f### do you think your doing we`ve got 56 days not 28 you crowd of useless deaf, stupid,uninterested, pillocks"   needless to say they eventually agreed. Now we`ve got 45.
Keep a weather eye out dear reader, lock your doors and windows, move, dont leave a forwarding address, warn the neighbours.............

We may be coming to stay and belive me we`ve got some furniture.

Well We`re still Here .......just

Well dear reader since we last left this dynamic, intrepid , that should read stupid, duo lots of interesting things have happened. Now I know that you`ll be thinking oh god what have they done now but no nothing that interesting we finally opened a shop, a shop you say well thats wonderful. No its not, its as usual a f#*king disaster the usual problems,lousy stupid customers, thieves, time wasters etc.
The whole point of the shop was to make a little money and we, or should I say I because it was MY choice,thought that it would. Yes I know what you are thinking, make money ? you two? dont be stupid.
The shop closed 8th October 2012 after being open for 18 months. A combination of no customers, over the top business rates, huge rent and even bigger service charge have seen us off. we are left with DEBTS in a BIG way, no really, in a massive way. so once again we go to sign on, don`t you just get sick of the merry go round, back to talking to twelve year olds, trying to make them understand that no one but no one wants a 56 year old man in a position that a Polish guy or 16 year old will do for washers.
The whole point is..............????
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